For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


  0.   A heart       B key    C bottom   D focus




Memory is at the (0) ….heart…. of our sense of personal identity. If we did not have memory, we would not be (1) ……… of our relationships with other people and would have no (2) ……… that we had had any past at all. And without memory we would have no knowledge on which to (3) ……… our present and future.


Memory (4) ……… of three processes: registration, retention and recall. Registration happens when we consciously notice something. Retention is the next (5) ……… , when we keep something we have noticed in our minds for a certain period of time. Finally, recall occurs when we actively think about some of these things that are (6) ……… in our minds.


Every day we are subjected to a vast (7) ……… of information. If we remembered every (8) ……… thing we had ever seen or heard, life would be impossible. Consequently, our brains have learnt to register only what is of importance.