Look at the sentences below about John Chapman, an Englishman who lived in the 15th century.

Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.

If it is correct, mark A.

If it is incorrect, mark B.


John Chapman


The atmosphere in the market place in Norwich in 1440 was probably not very different from how it is today – noisy, crowded, colourful and exciting. It was here that John Chapman used to come each week from his home in Swaffham, 50 kilometres away, to try to sell his copper pots and pans.


After one particularly tiring day, he loaded his unsold pots and pans onto the back of his horse as usual and walked slowly home. He had a meal and went to bed, complaining bitterly to his wife about their lack of money. However, that night John had a dream that would change the rest of his life.


In this dream a man told John that if he stood on London Bridge he would hear something that would make him rich. The dream was so real that John couldn’t get it out of his mind, and finally he decided to make the journey, even though his wife was against the idea.


After a week’s preparation, John set off for London with just his dog for company. When he arrived at London Bridge he stopped and watched all the men and women who went past. Many of them talked to him, but he heard nothing that would make him rich.


On the third day, however, an old man asked him why he was standing there. John told him it was because of a dream. The old man replied, ‘I recently dreamed that I went to the home of John Chapman, in Swaffham, and dug under a tree at the back of his house, where I found a buried pot of gold! But I am not foolish enough to believe in dreams.’


Unable to believe his luck, John said goodbye and returned to Swaffham. As soon as he got home, he fetched a spade and started digging. His wife looked on in amazement, unable to understand what he was doing. But sure enough, he uncovered a box. Opening it with nervous hands he found that it was full of money. The couple were delighted, but also curious about some words on the lid, which were in a language they didn’t recognise. Keen to find out their meaning, John put the box in his window and soon two young men knocked on the door and translated them for him: Beneath me lies another one much richer. So John dug deeper and this time found a huge pot full of gold and jewels!


That is how John Chapman became rich. He spent the money wisely and paid for several public buildings to be built. And his memory lives on in Swaffham today, on the painted sign at the entrance to the town!