LINGUASKILL – Espacios en blanco con opción múltiple (nivel C1)

For questions 1–8, read the text below anddecide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning. (0)


News sharing


The way we obtain our news coverage is always (0) …..ENVOLVING…….. . The public can gain information on current events from a wide variety of (1)………. . Centuries ago, news was obtained either by word of mouth, with town criers (2)…………. citizens of news and by-laws, or from print, with notices posted on doors of the local inn. With the (3)……….. of radio, whole families could (4) ………….. together in the living room to listen to the daily news bulletin. Even today, when TV sets occupy a prime (5) ……………… in the most used rooms in our house, some listeners remain faithful to their radio stations. Except, of course, for the fact that many will (6)………….  in to them on their computer or tablet instead of turning their radio dial.

With the (7)……………  use of social media, news travels faster than ever before. Minute-by-minute coverage of the news no longer relies on TV networks. Increased internet access enables individuals to share photos, opinions and even live videos with one sharp (8) ………………….. on the screen.