Publicado el 3/07/2020, en

El día 22 de diciembre de 2016 la Sra. Raquel Cánovas quería entrar en la sala de baile «La Alborada», situada en la calle del Cachorro en Madrid. Los empleados de la compañía le negaron el acceso, sin que en ningún momento conociera los motivos de esta decisión. Ante esta situación la Sra. Raquel se dirigió a unos agentes de la autoridad para formular una denuncia contra tal actuación. Los agentes se dirigieron a la sala de baile para verificar las declaraciones de la denunciante. Durante la inspección que los agentes realizaron se detecta un exceso de aforo en el local que podría comportar riesgo para la seguridad de las personas.

En relación a la denuncia de la Sra. Raquel Cánovas, el órgano competente le notifica la no iniciación del procedimiento al considerar que no habían pruebas suficientes que demostraran la existencia de una infracción.

Por lo que respecta al exceso de aforo, se tramita un procedimiento sancionador. Este se inicia el 15 de enero de 2017 y se notifica al interesado el 7 de marzo de 2017. El procedimiento acaba con una sanción del órgano competente por falta muy grave, consistente en una multa de 20.000 euros y el cierre provisional por un periodo de diez meses. Esta sanción se notifica el 25 de julio de 2017, notificación en la que sólo se recoge la calificación jurídica de la infracción cometida y la sanción que corresponde a la misma.

Responda a las siguientes preguntas:


Publicado el 2/07/2020, en

Mediante Real Decreto del Gobierno se otorga al titular de la Secretaría General de Agricultura y Alimentación, dependiente del ministro, la competencia para otorgar las autorizaciones relativa a la comercialización de determinados productos fitosanitarios.

Se establece como la exigencia de un informe previo de la autoridad de la comunidad autónoma del domicilio del solicitante así como la aplicación al procedimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Procedimiento Administrativo Común.

En el trámite de información pública al que se somete el expediente, una asociación ecologista formula observaciones al considerar que el producto X, podría ocasionar daños relevantes en el medio ambiente.

Mediante resolución del Secretario General, de fecha 15 de abril (martes) se deniega la autorización a la empresa «Mideling» señalando únicamente que contra la misma, ésta podrá interponer el recurso que corresponda para la mejor defensa de sus intereses. Se efectúa su notificación indicando el contenido de la resolución con fecha 24 de abril (jueves).

Conteste a las siguientes preguntas:


Publicado el 2/07/2020, en

El día 31 de marzo de 2016, la Dirección General de la Vivienda, dependiente del Ministerio de Vivienda, incoa un expediente sancionador a L.M.M. constructor, debido a la vente de viviendas por precio superior al tasado legalmente. El procedimiento tiene duración máxima para la resolución y notificación de seis meses.

El 16 de noviembre de 2016, el expedientado es notificado con la resolución adoptada por la Dirección General el día 9 de noviembre, por la que valoradas las pruebas propuestas por L.M.M y en virtud de la cual se acuerda imponerle sanción por importe de 7.300 euros como autor responsable de la falta que se le imputada. La resolución, adoptada por delegación del Subsecretario, advierte que no es firme en vía administrativa e indica al destinatario los recursos que contra ella puede interponer y los pormenores de éstos.

L.M.M. deduce el correspondiente recurso el día 17 de diciembre de 2016 solicitando la suspensión del acto, con fundamento en que, de satisfacer la sanción pecunaria impuesta, por falta de suficiente solvencia financiera (que demuestra documentalmente) se vería obligado a no prorrogar los contratos laborales temporales de parte importante de su personal. En cuanto al fondo del asunto, invoca la ilegalidad del acto, debido a la indefensión que para él comporta la falta de la necesaria motivación del mismo.

No obteniendo respuesta al recuro interpuesto, decide continuar la correspondiente vía impugnatoria.

Conteste las siguientes preguntas:


Publicado el 2/07/2020, en

Antonio Bragueta Suelta, de 36 años, acaba de adquirir un dúplex en un conocido barrio cartagenero, pero tiene el inconveniente de no disponer de vado permanente en su garaje, por lo que solicita en el ayuntamiento el permiso correspondiente.

Antonio al presentar la solicitud, olvida poner la fecha y el lugar, por lo que el órgano competente le requiere para que subsane la falta de dicha información obligatoria.

El órgano competente para resolver, antes de dictar la resolución, decide mediante acuerdo motivado, la realización de las actuaciones complementarias indispensables para resolver el procedimiento, notificando dicho acuerdo a Antonio por lo que le concede un plazo de 10 días para que formule las alegaciones que tengan por pertinentes tras la finalización de las mismas.

Conteste a las siguientes preguntas:


Publicado el 2/07/2020, en

El titular del Departamento de Seguridad Alimentaria, dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, acuerda la apertura del procedimiento para la concesión de la autorización de comercialización de determinados productos alimentarios.

Se establece como la exigencia de un informe previo de la autoridad de la Comunidad Autónoma del domicilio del solicitante así como la aplicación al procedimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Procedimiento Administrativo Común.

Mediante resolución del Secretario General, de fecha 15 de abril (martes), se deniega la autorización a la empresa «Campobello S.A» señalando únicamente que contra la misma, ésta podrá interponer el recurso que corresponda para la mejor defensa de sus intereses. Se efectúa su notificación indicando el contenido de la resolución con fecha 24 de abril (jueves).

Conteste a las siguientes preguntas:

LINGUASKILL – Escucha ampliada (nivel B2).

Publicado el 1/07/2020, en

You will hear Leonie Steiner talking to an interviewer about her work as a music teacher in a school. Choose the best answer (AВ or C).


LINGUASKILL – Escuchar y seleccionar (nivel B2).

Publicado el 1/07/2020, en

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (AВ or C).

LINGUASKILL – Espacios en blanco con opción múltiple (nivel C1).

Publicado el 1/07/2020, en

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. 


[…] Having spend four long months preparing to this exam I was very nervous. So you can imagine that I was really happy to learn that I (1) … to get enough points for my scholarship. I was so (2) … of myself that I decided to ring my parents’ place (3) … to share the news. Unfortunately, I had no (4) … change for a call. The surprise had to be (5) … until tomorrow.

LINGUASKILL – Lectura ampliada (nivel B2).

Publicado el 30/06/2020, en

A varied career

Chloe Kelling, a successful model and singer-songwriter, now has a new venture

I arrive for my interview with Chloe Kelling and I’m asked to wait in the garden. I hardly have time to start looking round at the carefully tended flowerbeds when Chloe appears. Every bit as tall and striking as I’d expected, Chloe emerges from the house wearing an oversized man’s jacket, a delicately patterned top and jeans. Chloe is known for her slightly quirky sense of fashion and, of course, she looks great as she makes her way towards me through the flowerbeds.

‘Let’s talk in my office,’ she says, leading the way not back to the house, but instead to an ancient caravan parked up next to it. As we climb inside the compact little van, the smell of fresh baking greets us. A tiny table is piled high with cupcakes, each iced in a different colour. Chloe’s been busy, and there’s a real sense of playing tea parties in a secret den! But what else should I have expected from a woman with such a varied and interesting career?

Chloe originally trained as a make-up artist, having left her home in the country at nineteen to try and make her name as a model in London, and soon got work in adverts and the fashion business. ‘I went to Japan to work for a short period, but felt very homesick at first,’ she recalls. ‘It was very demanding work and, though I met loads of nice people, it was too much to take in at nineteen. If I’d stayed longer, I might have settled in better.’

Alongside the modelling, Chloe was also beginning to make contacts in the music business. ‘I’d been the typical kid, singing with a hairbrush in front of the mirror, dreaming of being a star one day,’ she laughs. She joined a girl band which ‘broke up before we got anywhere’, before becoming the lead singer with the band Whoosh, which features on a best-selling clubbing album. Unusually though, Chloe also sings with two other bands, one based in Sweden and another in London, and each of these has a distinct style.

It was her work with Whoosh that originally led to Chloe’s link with Sweden. She was offered a song-writing job there with a team that was responsible for songs for some major stars, but gradually became more involved in writing music for her own band.

Although she now divides her time between London and Sweden, her first stay there turned out to be much longer than she’d bargained for. ‘The rooms are very tall over there and so people have these rather high beds that you climb up to,’ she explains. ‘I fell as I climbed up the ladder and cracked three ribs. Although the people at the hospital were very kind, I was stuck there for a while, which was very frustrating. Sneezing and laughing were so painful at first, let alone singing!’

It was while recovering from her injuries that Chloe hit upon the idea of staging what she calls vintage fairs. ‘It was snowing in Sweden and I wanted something nice to look forward to.’ Chloe had always loved vintage clothes, particularly from the 1950s, and decided to stage an event for others who shared her passion. The first fair was held in her home village and featured stalls selling all sorts of clothes and crafts dating back to the 1950s. It was a huge hit, with 300 people turning up.

‘When I had the idea of the first fair, it was only meant to be a one-off, but we had so many compliments, I decided to go ahead with more,’ says Chloe. ‘There’s something for all ages and people find old things have more character than stuff you buy in modern shops. It also fits perfectly with the idea of recycling.’ Looking round Chloe’s caravan, I can see what she means.

LINGUASKILL – Lectura ampliada (nivel B2).

Publicado el 30/06/2020, en

Read the following text and answer the questions: 


Dream Jobs

By Giovanni Marks

During our teens, all the pupils at my school had to have a meeting with a ‘careers advisor’ who only seemed to know about jobs at the local ship-building works. That was fine for some, but many of us would have liked to hear about a wider range of opportunities at that time. If only she had known about the jobs I’ve been researching for this article! It seems there are positions out there that are almost too good to be true.

Take, for example, the job with the title ‘Ice cream flavour advisor’ for ice cream manufacturer Frederick’s. Imagine making and tasting ice cream for a living! From the Fredrick’s website I learned that the people who do this job are all chefs and food scientists, and often go on what they call ‘taste hunts’ where they travel to other countries, trying new foods to get inspiration for new products. The website’s home page also states that ‘every ingredient deserves consideration’, meaning anything from peanuts to potatoes could make it into the next flavour advisor’s invention. I guess the one downside of this job could be tasting failed creations.

For those worried about the health implications of eating so much ice cream, then how about something more active? The perfect job for water sports lovers was advertised in 2015 by holiday company Travel Now. They needed a water slide tester! This involved getting into swimming gear and speeding down slides at various holiday centres around the world to check for any issues. The company was seeking applicants with strong written and verbal skills, experience in social media and a willingness to travel.

Another job that seems impossibly wonderful is one for those who dream of living on a remote island. As the caretaker of a private island in the Maldives, Simon Grainger gets to enjoy fabulous weather, fishing and boating as part of his job. However, he says that while it may sound more like an extended holiday than work, the responsibilities of the job can be very demanding. These include maintaining and repairing the island owners’ property and cleaning up after storms. On top of that, being by yourself on an island means that your social life suffers. Seeing friends involves an hour’s boat ride, which is never easy and sometimes impossible. Grainger warns anyone considering a job like his to be realistic about it. He explains you’ve got be very practical with good physical fitness, and happy in your own company. If you are this type of person, you’ll do the job well and
never want to go back to life on the mainland.

A fortune cookie is a moon-shaped biscuit given away in Chinese restaurants that contains a little piece of paper with a message on it. Millions of these are read every day, but few realise that people actually get paid to write the words of wisdom you find when you crack your cookie open. Daisy Cheng, president of New Asian Food in Los Angeles, used to be one such person. It wasn’t exactly her chosen career path, it was more of a role she fell into. When the company expanded and realised they needed to update their cookie messages, she was asked to do it because her English language skills were stronger than other employees’. She found it difficult to start with, but soon she was finding inspiration everywhere, from subway signs to newspapers.

As a writer myself, I would love to create messages for fortune cookies, but I would be delighted to do any one of these amazing jobs. Listen up careers advisors!